Power of Good 2016: A Powerful Way to Say Thank You

You may have heard me talk about how “nonprofits can and do change the world” – it’s something I am passionate about and have spent many years supporting.  During that time it’s become apparent that few, if any, nonprofits could effect much change without their volunteers.  That is why I am so excited to announce that The Spark Mill is again partnering with HandsOn Greater Richmond for the third annual Power of Good to celebrate National Volunteer Week, April 10-16, 2016.  

Maybe you are an organization that would love the opportunity to recognize some volunteers that really keep things going?   Maybe you are a friend, family member, or fellow volunteer that knows just the person or people that deserves a shout out?  Don’t be shy, let them know they are making a difference, and they are appreciated – NOMINATE THEM! From March 1 – March 31st we will be accepting nominations of volunteers throughout the region.  The nomination is simple, we require some basic information and the answer to the following question: “How do they power good in our community?”


Before you read anymore, nominate a volunteer. I cannot explain to you how it can make their entire year to be recognized for their work. Whether they are a board member, an office volunteer, a tireless advocate - just take 5 minutes to say thank you, right here on our nomination form.  Heck, nominate 20!


In case you’ve missed it, the past two years have been full of creativity and art and fun and a little wine…as we partnered with local artists to celebrate some of the nominees – 2014 Tiffany Glass Ferreira transformed a selected group into Shrinky Dink Selfies and in 2015 Patience Salgado presented a photographic documentary of 10 randomly selected nominees.  In addition local RVA area artists donated their works as part of a silent auction benefiting HandsOn Greater Richmond and all of the fabulous work they do with volunteers throughout the metro Richmond area.


This year we are still hammering out the details of the event but save the evening of April 14, 2016 to come celebrate all the good that volunteering does in our community. 



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