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21st Century Fundraising and Why You Should Invest in Online Giving

Okay folks, here are the things that matter with online giving all in one place. The most popular question I get is why isn't PayPal good enough? The easy answer is that donors are more likely to give to a branded page on your website that is one click from the home page. If PayPal is all you can muster then that is better than nothing, but you will have higher conversion rates and bigger gifts if you own the process. 

 At the bottom is a link to the slides from today's session at VAFRE with all of the stats that you need! 


  1. Your payment processor - the best option is a branded page within your website
  2. Mobile ready giving page - donors want to give on the go
  3. Concentrated campaigns - planned and multi-channel campaigns on and off line perform the best
  4. Helpers - a team of social media champions to ask for you and leverage their own networks
  5. Social media - you can't raise money on social media, but you can use it to help an existing campaign and drive online fundraising


  1. Am I likely to raise money?
  2. Will I annoy people?
  3. Does this fit into my overall development plan?
  4. Could I raise more money just by asking people?
  5. Will I have enough control?
  6. What are the fees?

Helpful links

Click here to download the slides from today's presentation

  1. How are Millenials Reshaping Giving from NPR
  2. Live Online Giving Trends from Network for Good and The Chronicle of Philanthropy
  3. Trends and Statistics and Infographics