The Spark Mill - we make change possible.

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Hi, my name is Piper, The Spark Mill’s newest Administrative Coordinator!

With a background in creative marketing & writing, I have a deep love for storytelling and working with local communities of folks. I am so thrilled to be a part of The Spark Mill, and look forward to growing alongside this imaginative team!

Here are 20 things about me:

  1. I am a life-long Richmonder! I love living here.

  2. I have a senior kitty named Cleo who is a beautiful, autumn-colored tabby.

  3. That being said, fall is my favorite season.

  4. One of my go-to restaurants in town is Pho Thien Phat! I try to treat myself to pho on Sundays.

  5. I prefer tea over coffee.

  6. In the last few months, I have been re-discovering a yoga practice.

  7. Movies are special to me! I met my goal of watching 100 movies this year.

  8. Night-owl instead of morning person, but finding a balance.

  9. I studied French for nearly 8 years and am still attempting to keep learning via Duolingo. I have a dream of making it to France and other francophone countries some day!

  10. I am a part of a creative studio space that I use for craft, sewing, and music hobbies.

  11. I dabble in a few different instruments, and recently learned “The Great Pumpkin Waltz” by Vince Guaraldi on piano.

  12. Decorating for holidays (Halloween, Christmas) sparks joy.

  13. I love interviewing interesting people.

  14. My top 3 favorite book genres are fast-paced mystery/thriller, memoir, or introspective fiction.

  15. One way to my heart is adorable stationery.

  16. I believe in ghosts and like talking about the paranormal & magic of the universe.

  17. Orchids are probably my favorite flower because they are both a challenge and rewarding to take care of.

  18. I am a VCU alum and received my B.A. in Fashion Merchandising - I still enjoy keeping up with the trends.

  19. I will always indulge in a sweet treat.

  20. I am a Libra through and through.