Values : A Framework for You to Think About Your Organization

A recent episode of Nonprofits are Messy has really been sitting with me the last couple of weeks. The episode discussed the impact of a strong values statement and provided an activity that teams and boards can do to clarify and understand an organization’s values. Since listening to this podcast, I’ve been more curious and mindful about understanding the values of our clients. What are they expressing as their values? What do they value that they don’t express? I recently worked with a client who shared their values and I was able to be candid with them that their values didn’t move me or compel me to their work… They agreed.

I also started to reflect on client responses to a strategic plan. Many times, I’ll reference the retreats we engaged in, the organization’s documents, website, mission, vision, and values when creating a plan. Sometimes clients will review the first draft and respond with disappointment – they don’t feel seen in the plan, the goals feel small or uninteresting, etc. After listening to this podcast, I’m wondering if these misaligned plans are a result of misunderstanding their values.

Since listening to this podcast, I’ve noticed a pattern of phrases I hear from stakeholders that would be a clue that the organization needs some values work; they include:

  • “I don’t know what this organization does.”

  • “I don’t know where we are going…is this all we are going to do?”

  • “I don’t understand the big picture of our work/my job/role.”

Since listening to this podcast, I’ve been more candid with clients about what their team, organization, coalition, etc., care about; what is most important to the individuals currently engaged with this group? Internally, you might acknowledge some accidental values of your organizational culture, such as fast-paced, high standards of quality, process, recognition, or money.  While these may not be values to broadcast to your community, I think it's important to be aware of them so you can find people who align with those values and will support the work through those values.

I’m very eager to engage in values conversations, such as the activity in the podcast. If your organization or team would like to dive into your values, reach out to me and my team at The Spark Mill – we’d love to help!


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