Drawing Pictures of Our World.

donors and movers and shakers and interested parties.

donors and movers and shakers and interested parties.

There is something so magical about smelly markers and crayons and endless reams of paper. Kids are on to something, sometimes, you just have to draw a picture.  I can watch my daughter make art for hours, so why not play with markers and colored pencils and draw squiggly lines to help understand and make sense of the business world.  I've been re-inspired recently by reading Visual Meetings

This afternoon I hosted VCU Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Center staff to The Spark Mill office at The Marvin Lang building to begin to map out their marketing stakeholder world. This is part of the first phase of their Marketing and Brand Voice Project. Stay tuned for the results of this effort later this year. 

Don't have enough markers in your life?  Come visit me, I'll set up a play table for you. 


Finding Pictures and Making Them Pretty


The Space Ladies > Probono Project